Thursday, May 5, 2016

What shall it contain...

       Welcome to the next post of my blog. As promised in the first installment, today I will tell you some of the features of my freelanced representation of the USMRR. The layout is set in Virginia in no specific year between 1862 and 1865, and contains car-float operations, a military encampment, a small town, a freight house, large mountains with two tunnels, and a roundhouse. The size is 4 x 10 with a base of 1 inch foam insulation board on top of 3/4 inch plywood. The track plan is a reverse loop with a three track yard and a spur to a secondary connecting railroad named the Potomac Railroad and Canal Company. Also off the yard is another spur to the turntable and three stall roundhouse. Here's a picture of some visual planing on the plywood.

        Also as mentioned in the first post I am working on some other projects as well. One of which is a Fokker D VII biplane kit in 1:72 scale and on hold is a M1A1 tank kit in 1:35 scale.
       Thank you for reading the second installment of my blog and,
                        Happy Railroading!

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